New Building of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro

Internal Quality Audit (AMI), Support System for Doctor of Publich Health Universitas Diponegoro to Further Improve

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Penelitian dan Pengabdian Undip

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Pengabdian yang senantiasa menjadi pengaplikasian pengetahuan untuk kebaikan masyarakat. Mengajar, berbagi, serta memberi inspirasi, Universitas adalah tempat pengabdian yang suci.

Lebih Lanjut

Done, Nur Khamilatusy Sholekhah Successfully Completes the Dissertation Eligibility Examination at DKM FKM UNDIP

Semarang (21/05) - The Doctoral Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro (DKM FKM UNDIP) conducted a Dissertation Eligibility Examination for doctoral candidate Nur Khamilatusy Sholekhah. This event was held in a hybrid format...

Novia Luthviatin Successfully Completes Doctoral Studies at DKM FKM UNDIP

Semarang (20/05) - The Doctoral Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro (DKM FKM UNDIP) held a closed dissertation defense for doctoral candidate Novia Luthviatin. The event took place in the S3 Room on the 2nd Floor of...

Gaining Knowledge on International Publications through Manuscript Training/Clinics by LPPM UNDIP

Salatiga (17/05): The Manuscript Training/Clinic and International Publication Submission is a regular activity conducted by the Institute for Research and Community Service at Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) to achieve the university's vision and mission of...

Novia Luthviatin Successfully Passes the Dissertation Feasibility Examination at DKM FKM UNDIP

Semarang (17/05): The Doctoral Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro (DKM FKM UNDIP), conducted the Dissertation Feasibility Examination for the candidate Novia Luthviatin. The examination took place in the S3 Room on the 2nd...

Opening of Registration for Independent Entrance Exam for Graduate and Professional Programs, Semester Gasal, Academic Year 2024/2025

Graduate and Professional Program Registration Calendar for the Semester Gasal, 2nd Wave, Academic Year 2024/2025: : Online Registration :  May 8, 2024 – June 7, 2024 Written Selection Test (conducted online) :  June 22, 2024 (TPS Test: 07:30-10:00 WIB and English...


Temukan Kami

Sustainable Development Goals Undip

“Universitas Diponegoro sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia berkomitmen dalam melaksanakan berbagai program terkait SDGs. Seluruh fakultas, sekolah dan unit lain di Undip telah menyusun program dan kegiatan untuk mencapai 17 tujuan dalam SDGs. Hal ini dalam rangka mendukung komitmen Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mencapai target nasional SDGs.”